Saturday, February 11, 2017

steps to Homeschooling. 3 things to consider before you start Part 1

So, you are considering homeschooling?  Awesome.  I have been homeschooling for about 17 years off and on.  I have had my kids in public school, and charter schools, co-ops, and private lessons.  I have done it all.  After all these years I think I have come up with an answer to the question I am asked all the time.  “How do you homeschool school?”  I have said it before, that questions makes me think.  How?  Do you mean the steps to withdrawing your kids, the laws, the curriculum..what?  That is such a vague question to me.  So after looking like a deer in headlights when I first get that question, I have come up with a quick response.
“ There are a few stages to think about. Let's talk.”
Today we are going to talk about the first stage that new homeschoolers, or those thinking of homeschooling should consider.  Remember, this is my opinion from years of experience and talking to others about what holds them back or makes them quit homeschooling.

The first thing I suggest you consider before you buy that shiny new curriculum and the student desks is: Why?  Why am I homeschooling?  List those reasons.  Is it one main reason, or many little reasons.  Knowing why you are starting this crazy journey will give you a vision and purpose when you are having a horrendous, my kids don’t listen to me, and my house is a mess day.  It happens.  I am sure it happens to you regardless of where your kids go to school.  Your kids don’t turn to angels because you are now homeschooling.  Well, unless they are angels, if so, YOU ARE LUCKY!!!!  Don’t freak out, I know you worked hard to make them that way.   I didn’t and so I have those crazy horrendous days more often than I care to remember.  Seriously, having a good reason to homeschool will be like a beacon during the sea of hard days.
People homeschool for many reasons.  Some of those reasons have staying power and some don’t.  For example my original reason to homeschool was that I missed my kids.  Well, kid.  I only had one at the time.  When he went to school, I sat at home worried about everything.   Would he know what to do?  He is only 5, could he manage?  He is so little.  Etc.  I wouldn’t go anywhere because I thought I wouldn’t be home to meet his bus.  My goodness I was a wreck.  
That is a pretty good reason, missing your kids.  But, after a while you start missing your sanity so is that reason a good anchor on those rocky days?  Maybe.  One reason that might not be a good enough reason to homeschool, or at least give you a good strong purpose is “I think I can teach my kids better than..insert person”.  Sure we all think we can do better.   But will that help you envision your purpose when you have a pile of laundry, a crying baby, no food in the fridge because your grocery shopping field  trip fell through because it was nap time, and it's 4:45.  4:45 seems to be a magic number in some families because it means dad will be home soon.  My husband works shift work so I don’t have a magic number.  I am just constantly forgetting when he will get home.  So that little bit of forgetfulness saves me some anxiety.  A few days like that and you couldn’t care less who is teaching the kids or what they are teaching your kids.  (Some parents don’t like the curriculum that the schools decide to teach)
I finally came up with a reason that has helped me stick to the course.  I was called to do this.  God called me to teach my kids.  When I first pulled my kids out of school, I had visions of  a little school house where we would be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and reciting all the states.  Yeah, um, that got old quick.  For me, there are people out there who stick to their first idea of homeschool and plow their way through the 12 years of education.  Not me, I get bored very quickly.  During the years I have sent my kids back to school for many reasons.  1.  I get caught up in the back to school hoopla.  Again, if you don’t have  strong purpose you will get caught up in anything new and shiny.  Like shiny new clothes and school supplies.  I guess it’s like that quote:  You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything.  Cuz I usually fell for anything.   I then regretted my decision to put them back in school and pulled them out again.  FINALLY my husband asked me if I had prayed about it.  Hmm?  Well, I did pray about putting them back in school, because I was desperate and begging Him for help.  But, I didn’t really pray for guidance to homeschool or if that was His plan.  So I did, and He said it was His plan for us.  Now, let me tell you, that has real staying power and grants me purpose during those hard days.  
So, find your purpose and make it a good one.

The second thing you need to consider is how long you will homeschool.   Are you homeschooling just to get your kids over a hump or difficult situation?  Or are you homeschooling until they walk the stage in a cap and gown?   There are pros and cons to both of these decisions. If you are just homeschooling for a little bit, that’s fine.  You have an end in sight and you can plan accordingly.  You get your kids over that hump and send them right back.  Lots of families do that.  Its very stressful because you will have days like those mentioned above and you will stress that you are not keeping up with your daily requirements.  That leads to feeling of failure, and anxiety because you are thinking you will be sending them back having learned nothing..and you will get blamed.  You must keep in mind many things when you are just homeschooling for a season.  First, you must relax.  Second, Keep a schedule, but don’t freak out when it's going off the rails.  Take a break and start over.  Enjoy those few months or couple of years you have decided to keep your kids home.  One thing I do suggest is not to start homeschooling with the idea that you are just “trying it out”.  That doesn’t work.  You need to have a good idea when you are going to be done homeschooling.  Even if you don’t know how long you want to try it, don’t just wing it.  When you don’t have a set timeline, you will give up at the first hint of civil disobedience from you kids.  You will.  I promise.   
I learned early on that if I didn’t have a pretty good idea how long I was going to homeschool, I would keep throwing my hands up in the air and beg for August to come so I could march those kids back to school.  When I finally sat down and said to myself “God called me to this and that means I am going to finish it”  Now, when things happen that throw off my groove, I tell myself, we have time.  Lets relax and start over tomorrow.   Knowing that you are in it for the long haul helps when your days are just not going the way you imagined.  Yep, it does help....a lot.
Don’t hold the idea of returning your kids to school in the back pocket as a safety net.  If you found your purpose and feel called to homeschool pray or ponder for how long.  It’s very important.  

Finally, consider who will support you and your decision to homeschool.  Who will be there when you need someone to talk to about how crazy it all is going.  As homeschooling moms we feel we must always keep it together because then the ‘I told you so's” start piling up.  When we decide to homeschool we get those visions of grandeur.  You know the ones.  My kids will be so smart and they will graduate at 12 and head off to MIT or Harvard.  My kids will have so much time to create and practice their (whatever) and they will become the best of the best of the best.  (Think Men in Black).  The first day your kids don’t want to get out of bed and you can’t find their school work, and your kitchen have dishes stacked up to the ceiling, those visions will come crashing down all around you.  Don’t get me wrong, your child might very well graduate at 12 and be the best of the best of the best.  But you will still have a kid  who will try to get out of chores and school work a few days out of the week.  Except for those moms who run a tight ship.  Those moms are great, really they are.  I am not one of those moms and I stand all amazed at those moms and sometimes wonder why I am not one of those moms. I realize then, I just love facebook too much.  
So after you read about all those awesome moms on facebook, have someone you can turn to who will understand that you are doing so much and sometimes it's hard.  That person could be your husband, or mom, or another homeschool friend or that facebook page for moms who don’t have it all together.  I am sure there is one out there somewhere under the title “Homeschool moms and their awesome kids”. I don’t know.  But you will need that support and don’t try to do it alone.  Please, you will be sending those kids back to school before you finished half of that over priced box curriculum.  You will, I know.  

Homeschooling is hard, and fun and awesome and it can be the best experience you will ever have in your life.  Remember, have a purpose, a good one.  Think about your time commitment to homeschooling and FIND SUPPORT!!!!!!!  

Next time will we get into the nitty gritty of homeschooling. So, I decided to homeschool found my purpose, yada yada, now what?

PS. Please excuse my grammar etc. I was typing with a 6 year old digging his feet into my know, my mind was a bit occupied.

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